Onsite Training
Have our trainer facilitate a course onsite. Customised training packages also available.
At Aptitude Management, we believe in providing responsive and relevant management training to all our clients, regardless of their industry, size, or location.
Our programs are designed to help managers and key leaders within your organisation set measurable and realistic goals, provide timely and constructive feedback, communicate effectively, facilitate meetings, coach employees, and improve the overall performance of their teams.
Need training for the whole team? Have your next course held at your premises.
Advantages of Onsite Training
- Private group setting
- Reduced travel time
- Enhanced team culture and collaboration
- Immediate personality & assessment profiling
- Efficient and cost effective
- Can be tailored to meet your team's needs
- Post workshop coaching sessions included with each program
Need a Bespoke Solution?
Your organisation may require a customised approach to learning & development efforts. We can modify an existing course or completely build one from scratch. To find out more, check out our Bespoke Programs.
Our Training System
Aptitude training packages also include post workshop coaching.
Prefer to Talk?
Call now: +61 1800 753 087
Training System
Our training system combines a series of coaching sessions which are conducted post workshop.
Higher Retention Rate
Coaching encourages attendees to take action and assimilate new information gained from attending their managerial course.
Enhanced Results
Coaching provides the opportunity for attendees to be held accountable for making behavioural changes leading to significant work improvements.
Prefer to Talk?
Call now: +61 1800 753 087